Is the Government Keeping Teleportation from You? One Presidential Candidate’s Story

"The team members in the year 2045 said, "Look, Andy's got to be involved, because he remembers everything that happens, he writes the books (the books about the project), and then he seeks and wins high-office and implements Tesla Teleportation. So he's got to be a participant."...Read Story

Aliens   ·   Politics   ·   Science   ·   Technology

Published by

Jonathan Helvoigt Website

Jonathan Helvoigt, writer of short-story blog 'Fat Bird', was the head-chef at a sushi restaurant for three days with no prior experience. Years prior, he started a riot in Chihuahua Mexico, which alerted the Mexican military. During his studies at Fort Lewis College as an English major, he hosted a radio show, wrote a sit-com pilot under the tutelage of an accomplished writer for CBS and Netflix, and started 'Fat Bird Carpentry' which now has hand-crafted drums in shops across the country. He and his wife, Ryan, currently reside in Louisville, KY, and plan to return soon to the more mountainous, less bourbonous land of Durango, CO after graduating with an MDiv from Southern Seminary. There they will apprentice with Gospel Church Durango, and write about strange things.

[This post was written in response to a reader’s topic suggestion and questions. To suggest a topic yourself, click the blue ‘Suggest a Topic’ button.]


man named Andy Basiago has publicly made the claim that at the age of ten, he, along with Barack Obama, was involved in government sanctioned experiments in time-travel, future and past viewing, and teleportation. He claims that he has been to the past many times, has interacted with Martians, has witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus on a screen, and has knowledge from the future that he will attain either the Presidency or the Vice Presidency of the United States by 2028.

He is the self-proclaimed teleportation Messiah. The one chosen by future counsels, to usher in an American age of spacetime travel. He is the John Conner we’ve been waiting for.

If his claims are true.

How do we as a society determine credibility in this information age? Thanks to Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and the like, anyone can say anything to millions of people at a time.

This can be tricky in a fallen world, because of two things.

1. We Love to Have Our Ears Scratched

Paul tells Timothy “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Tim 4:3-4).

We, as a culture, are out to find people that will say things that “suit our own passions.” So, when we hear something we want to hear, we will find more of it, because the itch just doesn’t go away.

How many times have you clicked a link because you wanted to see someone expressing your point of view to some rube? Or clicked something to hear someone posing a view opposite yours, thinking “THIS oughta be good?” Maybe not to these extremes, but most readers have likely experienced this to some degree.

Now, this would be simple enough if it weren’t for another big problem.

2. People Lie. People Lie a Lot.

Paul tells Titus “For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach” (Tit 1:10-11).

There are MANY insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers. Let us not be led astray by them.

People lie for all sorts of reasons: to get out of trouble, to protect someone, to sell something, to achieve fame (or attention of any kind), this list surely goes on. We can all think of different examples of each of these.

So, it is very possible that random people on YouTube and Facebook are straight-up lying to you.

Andy Basiago

Andy Basiago’s claims are mostly made on videos found on YouTube, and obscure, source-less links on his own personal site This is why these arguments about the internet are relevant. It is also why this author does not provide any sources in support of his story. There aren’t any of repute. I would provide links to his videos, but our goal is to silence empty talkers, so I will refrain. A simple search of his name will find you more than you want to know.

This Gospel Vision post will take a different direction than many of our posts for these reasons. We received questions about Andy Basiago and are here to answer them, because we care for our readers. However, we will not entertain his claims, we will silence them in accordance with Titus 1, which is quoted above saying, “They [insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers] must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.” We delight in the strange, beautiful world our King has made. Because of this, we are against empty talkers and deceivers who would twist mysterious, rich ideas for “shameful gain.” Basiago is among those who prey on people for political fame and book sales.

Here is why we believe this.

The Appeal of Secret Knowledge

Secret knowledge is a tasty treat that is highlighted in Gnosticism. To quote one of our own articles, “In essence Gnosticism is the belief that special, esoteric knowledge is required for salvation and that only one’s spirit is redeemed.”1 While Basiago is not claiming that his hidden information will bring about eternal spiritual salvation. He is claiming that it will be the salvation of our world from future environmental disaster.

He gives lots of details whenever he speaks; floods of detailed exposition. None of it is verifiable, or disprovable by anyone except close comrades of his. Within all the details, the research mostly remains unattainable.

Only classified top-secret information could make any stake on his claims. Only untouchable government officials can give any credence to what he says.

But isn’t this the nature of any whistle blower? Don’t we need whistle blowers to expose evils that we can’t be aware of?

Look at the most recent, prolific whistle blower in our country, Edward Snowden. briefly says about Snowden,

“Edward Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is a computer programmer who worked as a subcontractor for the National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden collected top-secret documents regarding NSA domestic surveillance practices that he found disturbing and leaked them. After he fled to Hong Kong, he met with journalists from The Guardian and filmmaker Laura Poitras. Newspapers began printing the documents that he had leaked, many of them detailing the monitoring of American citizens. The U.S. has charged Snowden with violations of the Espionage Act, while many groups call him a hero. Snowden has found asylum in Russia and continues to speak about his work.” 2

Due to his whistle-blowing, those he whistle-blew against came after him.

Due to his whistle-blowing he had to give up his comfortable life, and flee.

Whistleblowers throughout the centuries have sought to remain anonymous and do their whistle-blowing discreetly, or pay the price. Sometimes that price is death.

None of this describes the man you see comfortably campaigning for president on YouTube.

He can hide in unverifiable details, at no risk to himself. No one is coming after him. And if people believe him, he has much to gain.

History is a great tutor. We have seen people flout secret knowledge before. Has it ever been shown to be reliable, if there is no risk to the holder? Ever? Have you ever heard in your lifetime, or in human history, any person publicly disclose information that no one else knew, to which there were no witnesses other than those close to them, who had no way of publicly verifying the information, all at no risk to themselves, be vindicated in the end?

Even Jesus, who knows the secrets of all salvation, who had no obligation to demonstrate His godhood to us, still displayed the kingdom of heaven in miracles. He gave the kingdom out freely, and to this day gives His people His Holy Spirit as a “guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory” (Eph 1:14). And all this was at great risk to Himself, even unto death.

Let us not be fooled by this snake-oil salesman. “Your disease will be totally gone in a week’s time, but I have to sell it to you now, for I am headed out of town.”

His Evidence Doesn’t Add Up

The very nature of His arguments make them mostly un-researchable, which should give us pause.

However, we can still find falsehood in his claims. Here is an example.

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Radiant Energy

He claims that 'Radiant Energy' discovered by Nikola Tesla was used by the government to open up a "vortal-tunnel" to the past, and then bring the traveler back to the present. One would simply run through a shimmering wall of this radiant energy and they would fall through the tunnel.

This tunnel could lead to specified events in history to be researched, like the Gettysburg Address or the Lincoln assassination.

The problem is that this is not how Tesla described radiant energy at all.

What is radiant energy?

According to Solar Schools, "Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. These waves can travel through space."3

Nikola Tesla indeed was a proponent of radiant energy, and was able to light up lightbulbs in a house, attached to no wires in 1901 using radiant energy. He said,

"I hope that ultimately we shall get to this ideal form of illumination, and that we shall have in our rooms lamps which will be set aglow, no matter where they are placed, just as an object is heated by heat rays emanating from a stove. The lamps will then be handled like kerosene lamps, with this difference, however, that the energy will be conveyed through space." 4

Though Basiago is describing the use of radiant energy falsely, do not read this and think that it is preposterous that energy could bend spacetime. It is not. It is not preposterous, because it happens every day. Spacetime and electromagnetism are deeply linked.5

What is preposterous, is that it happened the way Andy Basiago claims it happened.

He uses the mysterious 'radiant energy' to prey on those who have not put the time in to study it. Many of us don't have jobs in that field of research, and thus have many other things to study.

Radiant energy doesn't just do whatever we want it to do. It can do wonders beyond our imagination, but it's not a plot device. It has consistent properties just like everything in God's ordered universe.

Can this energy be shimmering and visible to the human eye? Yes. You've probably seen radiant energy emitting from your car hood on a hot summer day. Those waves that you see, are radiant energy. It is not merely potential energy. It is electromagnetic energy that can radiate off of seemingly still objects, like a truck, or the earth itself. It is not a force that you can program to send you back to a specific location or time in history. This is what we would call a plot device.

A plot device here is used to represent an object that can further a narrative at any time in any way, because its qualities remain vague enough to the listener that they cannot deny its use, but cannot wrap their head around the implications.

However, radiant energy is not an infinity stone. Its properties are real, and able to be studied.

Think for a second about what he is suggesting. He suggests that electro-magnetic waves are produced by a machine. This machine sends out these waves of photons in such a way that allow a person to singularly pass through the folds of spacetime. Not just willy-nilly, but as the waves pass over your body they send you to specific times and locations throughout history.

Now, the universe doesn't track time with a stopwatch that can be clicked, and read, and categorized. The universe tracks time with masses in motion.

"And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so" (Gen 1:14-15).

So, machine sending of the waves of photons would have to tell the photons to send the traveler not to 'November 18, 1963 Gettysburg, PA.', but to a time represented by the locations of all the moons in the universe, and a pinned location in that universe where the earth, and subsequently Pennsylvania were at that time. If the photons, using some power they are obviously not capable of, were to rip open a vortal-tunnel (a tunnel which you will not find in any science textbook) and send a human being through time and space, the computer sending them would have to have all knowledge of all space and all time, and a full understanding of all the properties of time in order to function somewhat correctly.

And it would have to bring you back in a similar fashion.

Look at the crowd behind the boy in the heading picture (who Basiago claims to be himself, the time-traveler caught on camera). What if the photons sent him into the same location as someone's arm in that crowd? He wouldn't just bump into it. He would take up its exact space, which I imagine would cause an explosion of the arm and a death to the boy. Would that not cause a scene?

Remember, they are not piloting a machine using longitudinal and latitudinal waypoints. They are hucking a child through a tunnel wearing a bugle-boy outfit, with no way to steer him or the tunnel.

It is fun to think of all of this, but I hope you see the preposterous nature of his claims. Not of all time-travel.

Mankind, as we steward God's creation, is certainly capable of unbelievable feats. Certainly there are feats that now seem impossible, but will one day be reality. However, "are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?" (Matt 7:16). Are vortal-tunnels gathered from photon waves? No. They are not of the same kind.

Why Do This?

Why would he make these claims?

At the very least, he wants to sell a book, His own bio on his website says, "Soon, he will publish a tell-all book that will reveal the true story of his awe-inspiring and terrifying experiences time traveling for the US government."6

He also clearly wants the public eye. His bio also says, "In 2016, Andrew D. Basiago will be a candidate for President of the United States under the banner Andy 2016 – A Time for Truth."6 He did not win.

A lot worse has been done for a lot less.

Side note: Another vortal-tunnel to jump down in all of this opens when he says in his bio, "I am leading the campaign to achieve political recognition that Mars is inhabited because we must enact an international treaty to protect the ecology and civilization of Mars. We must remember that Mars does not belong to us. Mars belongs to the Martians. If we fail to recognize this, then we will fail our first major test of cosmic citizenship. I believe that the people of the Earth are ready for cosmic citizenship and I believe that they are ready for the truth!"6

For help with this, read our last article.

In Conclusion

Don't disbelieve Andy Basiago because time-travel and teleportation are silly ideas. Future-time-travel is already happening. And though the inherent possibility of past-time-travel is still up for debate, and it seems like we're not even on the cusp of developing teleportation, disregarding gigantic ideas based on supposed impossibility is dangerous, and history would demonstrate this to be foolish. In times past the smart phone, the airplane, and the atom bomb would all have been seen as impossible. Not because people in the past are dumb, but because these things are basically impossible.

Don't disbelieve Basiago because the government wouldn't hide anything like that from us. Classified information is by definition hidden from the public.

Disbelieve him because he has no proof. Disbelieve him because he is literally selling secrets for personal financial profit. Disbelieve him because he is shrouding false ideas in lofty lingo. Disbelieve him because he is dragging Tesla down with him.  Disbelieve him, because he said that Jesus is Caucasian.7 Disbelieve him, because it is people like him who cause people to doubt all things supernatural. Shame on him.

Let us go forward, into the beautiful, complex-yet-simple universe that God has given us with open eyes, and eager hearts to see what new things God might show us, while not indulging empty talkers.


  1. Balloun, Chevas A.F. "Considering the validity of Valiant Thor, a space alien from Venus who claims Christ, a Gnostic invention, or someone else?" Gospel Vision, 14 Mar, 2018.
  2. "Edward Snowden Biography." Biography, 12 Apr, 2019.
  3. Solar Schools. "Radiant Energy." Solar Schools, 2019.
  4. Tesla, Nikola. "Tesla's Wireless Light." Scientific American, 02 Feb, 1901
  5. Sim, C. G. "An Experimental Study to Examine the Curved Spacetime Using Magnetic Fields." Physical Science International Journal, 18 June, 2018.
  6. Project Pegasus. "Andrew D. Basiago." Project Pegasus, 07 Nov, 2018.
  7. Basiago, Andrew D. "The Face of Jesus." Project Pegasus.

Published by

Jonathan Helvoigt Website

Jonathan Helvoigt, writer of short-story blog 'Fat Bird', was the head-chef at a sushi restaurant for three days with no prior experience. Years prior, he started a riot in Chihuahua Mexico, which alerted the Mexican military. During his studies at Fort Lewis College as an English major, he hosted a radio show, wrote a sit-com pilot under the tutelage of an accomplished writer for CBS and Netflix, and started 'Fat Bird Carpentry' which now has hand-crafted drums in shops across the country. He and his wife, Ryan, currently reside in Louisville, KY, and plan to return soon to the more mountainous, less bourbonous land of Durango, CO after graduating with an MDiv from Southern Seminary. There they will apprentice with Gospel Church Durango, and write about strange things.

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